Friday, June 02, 2006

Diane Tebelius, liar or dunce?

There's been lots of Media coverage of the Washington State Republican Parties new anti-Brown-People/anti-Constitution Platform. And many prominent Washington State Republicans have been scrambling to justify and/or excuse the clearly racist statements made by delegates at the State Parties Convention.

Wednesday, Lou Dobbs (infamous race-baiting demagogue) did a segment entitle "Arguing Against Anchor Babies". When Lou began the segment by saying:
"...Let me turn you to, if I may, Diane. Why was it -- why did you take up the issue?"
Here's how she began her rationalization of trashing the Constitution:
you have to understand what's happening in the state of Washington. There's
a total lack of frustration about what is happening on our borders. In 2000,
across our border, came the millennium bomber. He was undetected and but for
the good eyes of some federal employees, he was captured. People are
frustrated and angry about this is happening.
So what does that have to do with the 14th Amendment or immigration? Why nothing, of course. Ms. Tebelius just followed the Republican/Racist fearmongering formula of mis-direction by opening with a story about 'terrorists'. And here's were the question of whether Diane Tebelius is a liar or a dunce comes in. The millennium bomber (Ahmed Ressam) was 'detected' and arrested at a point-of-entry by U.S. Customs Agents doing their job of protecting our Border.
Dec. 14, 1999 + Ressam arrested near Seattle

Ressam says that on the morning of Dec. 14, he called Meskini and told him he would be in Seattle that evening. That afternoon, he took a ferry from Victoria, B.C., to Port Angeles, Wash., with more than 100 pounds of explosives stashed in the wheelbed of the trunk of his rental car. His accomplice, Dahoumane, did not travel with him.

At Victoria, U.S. immigration pre-clearance agents were mildly suspicious of Ressam. They made him open his trunk, but saw nothing. He presented his fake Canadian passport, and the computer check turned up no previous convictions or warrants in the name of Benni Noris. Ressam drove his rental car, with its concealed bomb, onto the ferry heading for Washington state. Upon his arrival at Port Angeles, a U.S. customs agent became suspicious of his hesitant answers to her questions, and she asked for identification. Agents began searching the car. As they discovered the explosive materials -- which they at first took to be drugs -- in the trunk of the car, Ressam tried to run away. He was caught and arrested.

Tebelius got the story completely wrong; she got the year wrong, said Ressam was 'undetected' when actually he was 'exposed' and mis-identified "U.S. customs agents" as "some federal employees". So is Diane Tebelius an untalented liar or is she a dim-bulb amongst the low-wattage radical-right?

1 comment:

Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

Does that have to be an either/or question?