Friday, July 14, 2006

right here, right now......

the only thing standing between America and radical, reckless, rudderless, authority "junky" "R's" as far as the eye can see are "D's".
we must continue to be involved, inform ourselves, speak out always (Hong Tran will get my vote in the primary for U.S. Senator from Washington state. whoever is the "D" nomination in the general will get my support and vote.) we must wake up and activate as many Americans as we possibly can. this is no small task. too many people are still too comfortable and afraid. (this incongruent state sometimes requires large infusions of shopping, gambling, tv, fill in the blank distraction, or even drugs to maintain.)
our representatives need to hear loud and clear from an increasing number of us. we will be sorting out the "D's" (DINOS, listen up.)
we will insist on representation and demand our democratic values drive further legislation. greedy, mean, undemocratic, feudal corporate rule brought to us by small group of elite "R's" must end!!!!!!

speak without offending, listen without defending .
kick ass and send the bullies("R's") running with their tails between their legs.

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