Friday, December 28, 2007

The life and times of Benazir Bhutto

in memory of a courageous strong woman who tried to speak and act to make our world a more peaceful just world for the people of her country and the world. my thoughts are with her children and family. we will not forget.

video picked up from Democratic Underground

and this bombshell...... scooby do follow-up??? holy crap!!


mad Nomad said...

Just another excuse to destroy Musharraf like we destroyed Saddam; at least we *know* Pakistan has nuclear weapons.

Let's see how the right spins this one.

jpeg said...

yes she did make too many "follow the money" statements. and of course the criminal enterprise at work never met a brutal dictator they didn't love to encourage and then knock em' to steal on both's got all the trimmings....brutal dictator, oil, robust drug trade, weapons dealing, war profiteering and my great, great, great(at least) grandchildren's credit card.

bullies with weapons and a cash flow.

wake up america

mad Nomad said...

i hope george bush chokes on his own vomit. it's the least he deserves.