Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Naomi Klein....thank you!

Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine deserves repeat recognition for the year. if we understand what is happening to us we can resist shock. she believes our best defense is to know what is happening to us and why. i think it is important at this time of year to reflect and for me that means asking who we are? who are the terrorists? i never imagined we would be debating whether torture should be used. i want to be optimist that we will be able to join with all other humans on planet earth and save our home for future generations. when a small group of people seize power and wealth to use whatever means necessary to advance their goals it can cause great suffering for many, as in Iraq and New Orleans. this is a most important book for our time. there are no green zones planned for most of us.
wake up america.

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