Thursday, June 18, 2009

Will Whatcom GOP Renounce Terrorism?

Minuteman leader Shawna Forde has been arrested in Arizona for masterminding the murder of a nine year old girl and her father. The motive was robbery and "The proceeds, it seems, would go toward funding their on-going anti-immigrant 'activism' and, more ambitiously, instigating a race war to overthrow the US government. "

Not long ago Shawna and other Minuteman leaders were the darlings of the Republican party.

As Sara Robinson explains:

It's true that every one of the nine right-wing terrorists who've made the news since January 20 had a history of mental illness, domestic violence, and/or drug abuse. Several were veterans who were having a really hard time adjusting to civilian life. None of these people could reasonably be considered sane; and, for whatever twisted reasons, they made a personal choice to do what they did.

But it's not true that they were acting alone. People who are dealing with these kinds of demons are often drawn into movements that offer a strong narrative that helps them make sense of a world that never seems to add up right for them. They're usually drawn into organizations like Operation Rescue or the Minutemen that are nominally non-violent; but which also indoctrinate them into a worldview that justifies and motivates people to commit terrorist acts. They come to believe that they must do this to save the world, to serve God, and to be the heroes they desperately want to be.

They're already walking sticks of dynamite. But it takes the heat of that apocalyptic, dualistic, eliminationist, pro-violence narrative to light their fuses and make them explode.

Whatcom GOP fuels the fires of domestic terrorism by specifically endorsing the Minutemen, which makes them culpable.
Whatcom County Republican Party Platform:

64) WE SUPPORT the private citizens, known as the "minutemen", who are donating their time and equipment to help with border enforcement.
So the simple question is, will the Whatcom GOP remove that plank in their platform and renounce terrorism?


Richard said...

Just curious ... are these Fordes kin to the Clallam Co. Fordes? Piece o' work, either way.

mad Nomad said...

republican terrorists... send them to GITMO!! Waterboard them!!! 180+ times!!!

mad Nomad said...

great story guys! thanks. your blog is awesome.