Tuesday, May 25, 2004

"Bush Believes his Strategy is Still on Track."
"Like Capt. Ahab in Moby Dick, he continues to chase the white whale ..."

In the dark humor that has become so popular in Baghdad these days, one recently released detainee said, "The Americans brought electricity to my ass before they brought it to my house!" SOURCE

Gen. Zinni: 'They've Screwed Up'

Staying - and Failing - the Course
by P.J. Crowley
At a critical moment for the future of Iraq and his presidency – a mere 38 days before the transition, the president stuck to generalities because he could not provide the details.More...

Bush Bike Tumble:why George Jr is the unfunniest clown in town
May 23, 2004

"President Bush is no laughing matter. Gone is the time when we can chuckle about what a klutz he is. The man stole an election by dispossessing black voters in Florida. Nothing funny about that. He is carving up the environment to suit his big-business buddies. And he is ultimately responsible for the slaughter, the ongoing slaughter, of thousands of Iraqis. Not to mention the hundreds of coalition troops who have paid the ultimate price for American pride and profits.

Oh, and Afghanistan. That wasn't funny either."

From Sid Blumenthal in Salon.com:

"Boykin was the action-hero side of his boss, Stephen Cambone, a conservative defense intellectual appointed to the newly created post of undersecretary of intelligence. Cambone is universally despised by the officer corps for his arrogant, abrasive and dictatorial style and is regarded as the personal symbol of Rumsfeldism. A former senior Pentagon official told me of his conversation with a currently serving three-star general who remarked, 'If we were being overrun by the enemy and I had only one bullet left, I'd use it on Cambone.' Cambone set about to cut out the CIA and State Department from the war on terrorism, but he had no knowledge of special ops. For this the rarefied civilian relied on the gruff soldier -- a melding of 'ignorance and recklessness,' as a military intelligence source told me.
"Just before Boykin was put in charge of the hunt for Osama bin Laden and then inserted into Iraqi prison reform, he was a circuit rider for the religious right. He allied himself with a small group known as the Faith Force Multiplier that advocates applying military principles to evangelism. Its manifesto, 'Warrior Message,' summons 'warriors in this spiritual war for souls of this nation and the world ... God has given us the stewardship and accountability of FAITH as our strategy for this time to mobilize an exceedingly great army.'" SOURCE:

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