Thursday, May 20, 2004

First Post

- Our Mani-Posto - (or, why we post)
We had Reagan's 'Morning in America', then we had the 'Republican Revolution' and then Dubya with 'Republican everything': And the result is... We're screwed!
Ordinary people like us are worse off. Jobs are harder to find, pay less, have fewer benefits and might be gone tomorrow. Health care costs more and is harder to get. Everytime the Republicans get their way and de-regulate or privatize, we ordinary people end up paying for it. For all their talk, taxes aren't any lower for us, our jobs don't pay more and our dollars buy less!
So, we've decided to Drop-in and Turn-off the Conservative nightmare.

- Citizen Steve

1 comment:

CitizenSteve said...

it is time for regime change....i want my country back!!! the earth is suffering, the humans are suffering.....the blowback is building!!!! these republihuckers are stealing us blind.....they have blood on their hands and they go on tv and flip us off regularly.....i want personal freedom and corporate accountability!!!!! we need to stop the insanity! we must elect kerry.