Monday, April 17, 2006

Cheney Alert!

Demonstrators gather for Cheney visit
Vice president to speak at GOP fundraiser in Everett

By Melissa Slager and Jerry Cornfield
Herald Writers

...A crowd of about 30 people - some carrying signs supporting the vice president, others protesting the war in Iraq - took up positions along the sidewalk near the Holiday Inn where the event is planned.

People in support of Cheney and those who said they were in opposition carried U.S. flags during the mid-morning demonstration...

...Chad Shue, 53, Everett, carried "Bush lied" sign. He said he represented progressive Democrats in Snohomish County.

"I just want to make sure Vice President Dick Cheney isn't as welcome here as he thinks he is."

The police presence was visible and security tight. Streets adjacent to the hotel were closed, and by mid morning, the protesters were moved west along Pacific Avenue, away from the hotel... (article)

And Carl at Washington State Political Reporter reminds us that Cheney isn't the only evil wind blowing through Puget Sound.

President Hu heads the same Chinese Government that in 1989 slaughtered peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square. [Today (April 17) is the anniverary of the beginning the demonstrations.]
If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching Frontlines "Tank Man"

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