Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Iraq study grope

...... the most important word in the title is Iraq....nowwhere should U.S. interests be mentioned. after all the Iraqis are the people we cared so much about that we went to liberate and democratize them .....well, that was the reason after the WMD excuse for attack, invasion, and occupation of a country who did not threaten us, our allies or it's neighbors. and what kind of a greeting is "shock and awe"??? now almost 4 years later we have been thru "mission accomplished" ....."free and fair" elections while under the occupation of a foreign military, the arrest and trial of their evil dictator, again while being occupied?????!!!! and of course never mind that he was our guy before he was our enemy. soooo bush crime family....prop them up, then take them down(course, it's all done with the American people's credit cards) .....the only thing that's missing in Iraq is the robust drug trade(the bushies love that one) ...oh that's right Afghanistan is handling that. and then there are the 650,000+ dead innocents that we loved so much...and the destruction of their infrastructure....and the torture and rendition....oh and the tons of depleted(not) uranium spread all over their country....the gift that keeps on giving!! and then there are the almost 3000 of our troops dead and 20,000+ injured and thousands more changed forever with psychological scars and of course depleted uranium contamination they are bringing home to their families. and then there are all the unsolved needs caused by the diversion of our treasure to the immoral, illegal adventure perpetrated in our name. (ie..climate change, resource depletion, hunger and starvation increasing as our petroleum "green revolution" agriculture is in decline, with no end in site as we face worldwide peak oil, and peak water, increased population and increased energy demand)

so we do not need to worry about "victory" "US interests" or even saving face. this is not about us. we were never asked to sacrifice. in fact we are only asked to shop and put magnet on our cars. we have not been asked to host a war or fight in a war....we are not even asked to pay for the war(going on the credit cards of Americans not even born yet) and the same people who are war profiteering are also awarded huge tax cuts.(same tab) and $9,000,000,000 of it went "missing". some say that is enough to see from space.
we owe a huge apology to the people of Iraq, followed by reparations for a long time!!! and that is right after we end this occupation completely and NOW!!!!! (how..by boats and planes)

and what do the "bipartison" study grope group want.....PRIVATIZATION!!! surprise surprise...........

About that Iraq Study Group Report
Not in Our Name National
StatementDecember 12, 2006
The underlying assumption put forward by the Iraq Study Group is that U.S. forces are truly in Iraq to spread democracy and make life better for the Iraqi people. Upheld with equal import is the work of “protecting American interests.” In this statement, we will explore the nature of these assumptions and explain why Not in Our Name continues to demand that the United States pull out of Iraq now and completely.
.......The issue of Iraq’s oil is given it’s due in the report. The group essentially suggests a rapid privatization of the Iraqi oil industry and the opening of this market to foreign investment. It has been no secret that perhaps a primary reason for the
U.S. attack on Iraq was to gain control over the natural resources of this oil-rich nation. Four years later, the task hasn’t been as easy as first anticipated by the U.S., but the objectives remain.
full statement

Rep. Kucinich (running for president)asks the right questions .........

Privatization of Iraqi Oil Resources

Dennis Kucinich speaking from
the Floor of the House
Dec 7, 2006
"On October 25th, President Bush cited oil as a reason for our continued presence in Iraq. The Iraq study group is recommending Iraq law be changed to facilitate privatization of Iraq's oil wealth."The Iraq Study Group report says as much as 500,000 barrels per day -- that is $11.3 billion per year -- in Iraqi oil wealth is now being stolen, which is interesting, since the Ministry of Oil is the first place our troops were
sent after the invasion of Iraq and we now have 140,000 troops there."How can we expect the end of the Iraq war and national reconciliation in Iraq, while we advocate that Iraq's oil wealth by handled by private oil companies?"It is ironic that this report comes at the exact time the Interior Department's Inspector General says that oil companies are cheating the US out of billions of dollars while the Administration looks the other way.

"Is it possible that Secretary Baker has a conflict of interest, which should have precluded him from
co-chairing a study group whose final report promotes privatization of Iraq oil assets, given his ties to the oil industry?

"Is it possible that our troops are dying for the profits of private oil companies?"
Link to this entry in the Congressional Record

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