Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Edwards Ad Asks The Big Question

John Edwards has a new campaign ad. It asks the question; "What Really Matters?"
John Edwards - Hair

Republicans picked up the story about Edwards expensive haircut and tried to make it mean something. That's not surprising, Republicans are always looking for ways to trivialize the American democratic process. Never forget that Republicans don't like democracy.

The bigger question every American should ask is; why did the haircut story ever get printed. What did it have to do with anything? Was this somehow different from how the other candidates operate or was it just a way to pigeon hole a candidate? Is MSM campaign coverage really about the campaigns and the issues or is it about who the reporters like and dislike?

1 comment:

Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

First saw this when they played it at the Democratic debate on Monday. I think the ad is very good and effective about taking a weakness and turning it on its head (so to speak).