Sunday, December 30, 2007

Record Breaking Senate Republicans

It seems like just yesterday that Republicans held a majority in the Senate and were screaming about Democrats using the filibuster to block some of Bush's judicial nominee's... The Republicans even threatened to change the time honored rules of the Senate and do away with the filibuster, using what they called the nuclear option.

But that was the 109th Congress. Now just one year into the 110th Congress, the Republican minority has set an all time record for filibustering. Senate Republicans sure are exercising situational ethics and showing a total disregard for the welfare of our Nation.
From: headzup
In today's "Profiles In Obstructionism" we honor the Minority Senate Republicans of the 110th Congress, who in just half a congressional session, have filibustered more bills than any Congress in history.

Read more about it here--

1 comment:

Chad Shue said...


Sirota mentioned this a few days ago. A summary of my comments to him follows:

"If the Republicans were forced to actually take to the well of the Senate and talk for hours on end (actually filibuster), the American people would really get a picture of what they have been doing. Instead, what the American people see is a headline that reads "Republicans thwart Democratic plans to...." By simply allowing these procedural votes on "ending debate" Reid not only allows the minority to control the agenda, he actually allows them to obstruct MORE legislation - thus the record you allude to.

Is there a place we can send Reid and Pelosi to for "Leadership Training?"

Do you believe that the "average American" knows anything about this "record?" My guess is no. If, however, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Orin Hatch, or any of the rest of Bush's henchmen had to stay awake for more than 24 hours to actually filibuster something, you can bet the Commercial Media would be covering that.

Chad (The Left) Shue