... But the probability of Roulstone succeeding in this quest is tumbling. On Aug. 31, Survey USA polled 586 voters in the congressional district and found Larsen leading Roulstone 58 percent to 35 percent.
On Sept. 13, the political arm of the Veterans of Foreign Wars national organization endorsed Larsen, who has never served in the military, over Roulstone, a decorated combat veteran.
Six days later in the Republican primary, anti-abortion advocate Teri Moats snagged 25 percent of the vote against Roulstone even though she mounted no campaign and he'd been running for a year, aided by the biggest names in the Republican family.
Then this week, another poll, this one of 400 voters, shows Larsen leading Roulstone 62 percent to 22 percent. That's a 40-point advantage - 40 - entering October.
Larsen's campaign paid for the poll, so one can insinuate a factor of numeric inflation and deflation.
The campaign did hire a respected firm, Evans McDonough, not known for botoxing results. Larsen can afford to buy good calculating rather than creative genuflecting.
His showing is in line with his election performance in 2004. That year he garnered 64 percent of the vote in defeating Republican Suzanne Sinclair and Libertarian Bruce Guthrie.
Roulstone's number is the eye-opener. Two years ago, Sinclair collected nearly 34 percent of the vote. And she did it with a fraction of Roulstone's budget. ... (full article)
Roulstone has run a couple of robo-calls, he's trying out various sour themes. Looking over his campaign website, the theme that really steams me is his RACIST THEME:
Voting Rights: Protecting your Ballot
If you are feeling disenchanted about voting this year, you are not alone. As we have seen in this state before, your vote is very important. Rick Larsen voted against Real Id. This was a bill that would require voters prove who they are at an election. Currently, illegal immigrants could vote in our election. They are even issued driverÂ’s licenses without proof of citizenship! This should concern us since Rick Larsen has continually demonstrated a pattern friendly to illegal immigrants. They will be voting, and you need to be heard. Don't let them make decisions about your future. (source:)
This isn't Roulstones first flirtation with race baiting. Earlier this year he called the
Washington Minutemen Detachment "a program that makes sense".
When I called the Roulstone campaign to ask them about this race baiting, I got a woman who couldn't give me a single example of a non-citizen voting. She just kept saying 'but they could vote' and told me about how she'd been at a senior center where 'everyone' was feeling like their vote didn't count. She went on to talk about how this was a problem like the Governors election when all those dead people voted in King County. I said; "gee, it sounds like you worked for the Rossi campaign" and she admitted she had. At that point I realized the conversation was a losing proposition. I didn't bother to point out that the only dead people caught voting were Rossi supporters. I wanted to stick to the subject, which was; where was their proof that non-citizens are registering to vote and she was working hard to change the subject. She bailed out of the call when I asked if she understood that 'Real ID' mandates a National Identity Card.
It's a sad sad thing that in an attempt to get their votes, Roulstone is stooping to frightening little old ladies with fairy tales of evil aliens.
I'm not surprise that Roulstone can't get any traction with his campaign. He's not really connected to the District. He's accuse Rick Larsen of being a "Rubber Stamp Incumbent" but Roulstone's allegiance is to the Republican Party, not to the Second District. His $100,000+ campaign seed money came from four dozen Republican Congressmen and the rest has come from fund raisers headlined by Republican Party big-wigs. The leaders of the House G.O.Perv's; Speaker of the House Denny Hastert, House Majority Leader John Boehner and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds each gave $5000 to Roulstones campaign.
Roulstone is such a lack luster candidate that even though he's a decorated veteran of Operation Desert Storm and a retired Naval Officer, the VFW endorsed Rick Larsen.
Everett Herald noted that in the Primary Roulstone also ran for Republican PCO in his home precinct, getting only 65 votes. Shoot! What a dufus! Our very own jpeg ran for Democratic PCO in our rural precinct an got 88 votes.