San Bernardino County Sun - 04/01/2007
RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An illegal-immigration protest organized by the Minuteman Project on Saturday morning was foiled by the arrival of members of the Ku Klux Klan.
About 10 members of the white-supremacist group showed up at Arrow Highway and Grove Avenue and proceeded to shout chants and wave an American flag. Some members wearing black T-shirts emblazoned with the KKK insignia concealed their identity with bandannas and sunglasses.
One man identified himself as a member of the White Legion Knights of the Ku Klux Klan from Yucaipa.
KKK members said they were at the protest to support the Minuteman Project but refused to comment further. ...
The headline of that report reads "Presence of Klan ends rally", but that isn't really what happened.
... when Minuteman Project members left, the protest at the intersection didn't stop.
More than 100 day laborers and affiliates counter-protested in front of Arrow Grove Market. The noisy group focused their attention on the KKK and other remaining protesters, which numbered less than 20.
For about three hours, protesters from all sides of the immigration debate - and the intersection - chanted and shouted at each other as well as passing vehicles. ...
The Minutemen promote racism even though they protest often and loudly that they're not racist. They always attempt to cover their tracks by beginning with talk of securing the U.S. borders. They'd like you to think they're just regular guys out on a neighborhood watch. Take the pudgy old coots that man the lawn chairs along our stretch of border between British Columbia and Whatcom County, Washington State; viewed from a distance they seem mostly harmless.
Sunday, April 1, 2007 - 12:00 AM
Washington Minutemen take up posts for border watch
By David Bowermaster
Seattle Times staff reporter
For the fourth time in less than two years, volunteer members of a civilian border-patrol group today will begin a 30-day "watch" along the U.S.-Canadian border from Blaine to Sumas. ...
... But Washburn expects only eight to 10 volunteers at the "initial muster" at 9 a.m. today at Camp Standing Bear in Ferndale, Whatcom County. ...
... The Washington state effort is part of "Operation Stand Your Ground," which will include hundreds of Minuteman volunteers in eight states along 800 miles of the northern and southern U.S. borders. ...
But let them talk for a few minutes and they'll quickly show you who they really are. When talking to a reporter from the Bellingham Herald just see what 'worries' minutemen Bob Baker and Larry Pullar
... Baker and Pullar said they see the consistent use of Spanish in public places such as school reader boards and restaurants as examples of a loss of American cultural identity ...
So, it would appear that to these guys using Spanish equates to being an 'illegal alien' and it's easy to see where that's going. They don't (usually) say it out loud, but the next step in that kind of thinking is to suspect anyone who looks foreign and of course looking foreign means being non-white.
They keep saying they're not racists and many of them probably are sincere when they say it, but at the same time they insist on repeating the white-supremacist notion that 'brown people' are a threat.
A new declaration from the Minuteman hq seems to have lost the usual polish and taken on much more an openly white-supremacist tone. The fearmongering and racist overtones are abundantly clear and so are the implied threats.
With the support of the Mexican government, socialist "Open Borders" groups, MEChA, LULAC--and in defiance of American law, illegal alien mobs plan to come out of the shadows and into our streets AGAIN by the hundreds of thousands disrupting cities all across the country...
An invading horde is on the march, demanding and threatening
America must NOT be colonized by a rabble ...
NOW U.S. Congressmen support the mob!
America does not cower from threats by anarchists and agitators..
Are riots in the streets and the burning of cars--as we have seen in communities in Europe--going to follow in Washington DC next?
The hostility has been seen in the streets from those who advocate Mexican sovereignty over these United States.
The PURPOSE of their radicalized political agenda is to destroy all national borders and reclaim America's land in the name of Mexico!
We have both the right and the moral obligation to defend America...
... and wonder what our response should be to sedition, intimidation and acts of defiance against our republic and our ordered liberty.
... MAY DAY mobs AND stand vigilant on our embattled borders. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the "Hate America" crowd will complain about the "insensitivity" and "bigotry" of patriots, and worry about offending law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America.
Those cranky old coots sitting in their lawnchairs up by the Canadian border might not want to admit it, but the KKK and all those other white-supremacist groups really, really love their message.