Friday, December 10, 2010
Thank You Bernie
and here is a nice video of Bernie on the floor the other day....
you go Bernie!!!!!!
and i loved how he explained how the cutting of the social security tax is the first step toward the privatization, looting and final destruction of the social security. the same corporatists have fought social security from day one. at the very least, if this tax is to be cut, the cap should be significantly raised.
the greedy, selfish among us continue to want welfare and safety nets(tax breaks and bailouts) for themselves but no responsibility to pay their fair share. ENOUGH!!!!!
oh and i'm not impressed with President Obama's meeting with President Clinton that is grabbing the 24 hour news cycle at this moment. the trianglulating, free trading, media consolidating, unregulated casino capitalism orgy policies of the corporate democrats have taken us down the wrong path.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
just for fun ...Lewis Black
It really bothers me when I hear people calling Obama a socialist. There's
only 8 of them left, and he's never been to one of our meetings.
and just for fun, a few moments with, Lewis Black, who always fails to bring hope to the table.....
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Vote Sanity!
Vote Sanity - Vote for Democrats
Because you might be mad...
But they are CRAZY.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Message From The Future has a message for you.
Voting is important. But somehow this year it doesn't feel as important as it did in 2008, right?
Here's a message from the future about what will happen if you and your friends don't vote on November 2 (hint: it's not pretty).
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Our Ad - Washington's 2nd District
I can already hear the Republican whining about "MoveOn"; but, the folks in this ad are local and it really is us (WA-02 voters) against the corporate front groups and oil billionaires.
This ad is NOT paid for by the corporate front groups and oil billionaires that are trying to buy this election.
This is OUR ad made by hardworking Americans who live right here in Washington and we have one simple message: John Koster is being backed by one of those front groups, and if he's on their side, he's sure not on ours.
Vote Rick Larsen!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Global Work Party,,,,,,solar coming soon...
Oh and we are celebrating the coming solar panels.!! Net Metering by years end.
Last year I had my son paint a very large on my roof and my frequent air traffic has been enjoying it all year. Before this year's end will be covered by solar panels and net metering. This is happening on the heels of our Transition Ferndale group inviting Dana Brandt from Ecotech Energy Systems LLC to come and give his excellent presentation to our group. We will be on the roof today with signs and enthusiasm to be part of the important work of getting our CO2 in the atmosphere back to levels that give future living things a chance to enjoy life on our beautiful planet Earth.
10/10/10: The Global Work Party On 10/10/10, people at 7347 events in 188 countries got to work on the climate crisis.
here we are, from our corner of this earth, participating with over 7000 groups around the world......
Friday, October 08, 2010
Jerns vs. Ericksen - If A Tree Falls, After The Herald's Deadline?
I read the article about the League of Women Voters candidate forum in the B'ham Herald and wondered what happened to the 42nd LD Senate candidates.
Pat Jerns (D) and Doug Ericksen (R) are running for the State Senate but they weren't mentioned at all in the article. I looked at the Politics Blog on Twitter and Sam's last tweet from the forum was at 9:06 PM.
So, I'm guessing that since the Senate candidates didn't finish before the Herald's deadline, for the Herald it's as though the debate never happened.
Fortunately, I did get a note from someone who did attended the forum all the way to the end. And what they had to say was quite interesting.
It was interesting to read Sam Taylor's blog comments concerning the face off's between Al Jensen and Jason Overstreet and Kelli linville and Vince Buys at the League of Women Voters forum. Unfortunately Sam missed some of the best comments of the evening between Pat Jerns and Doug Ericksen.
In Jerns opening statement, he clearly challenged Ericksen on several points, namely his lack of business experience and his habit of telling voters he supports programs and then voting against funding the programs.
In the questioning between the candidates, Jerns asked Ericksen to justify his co-sponsoring a bill to add a bed tax on seniors. Ericksen reply was basically, 'it's a complicated issue'.
In spite of his years in office, Ericksen became upset, red-faced and had difficulty responding to the challenging questions presented by Jerns.
Unfortunately, Sam missed a great opportunity to keep the readers informed on an interesting and informative exchange.
It sounds like poor ol' Doug-E has spent so many years working more as a Republican Party operative than a representative of his constituents in the 42nd District, that he doesn't know what to do outside of the hothouse environment of a political rally.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
What The Fork Is Goin' On?
The Everett Herald has an article about an attack ad, entitled "Fork in the Road", being run against Congressman Rick Larsen: "GOP group slams Larsen in TV ad and he slams them back ".
The ad is produced and paid for by a group called American Future Fund of Iowa (AFF), they've bought $607,720 worth of air time to run the attack ad.
Brooke Davis, Larsen's campaign manager, issued this statement in response to the ad:The right-wing multi-millionaire and billionaire donors behind this out-of-state group might be a secret, but we do know something about some of the low-life's inside AFF. Remember the "Willie Horton" ads and the "Swiftboating" of John Kerry?
“Shadowy, out-of-state special interests like the American Future Fund are not interested in Northwest Washington. They're interested in using anonymous political donations from multi-millionaires and billionaires to promote their own right-wing agenda – and candidates like John Koster that support it.
“Nothing could more clearly demonstrate the choice facing Washington voters than the contrast between Rick Larsen and the mysterious right-wing group backing his opponent.” (Everett Herald 9/24/10)
That's right, the people inside AFF are the scumbags responsible for those lowest of low smear tactics: "Secrets of the American Future Fund ". And now they're trying to use their filthy tactics on Rick Larsen and other Democratic incumbents.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The revolution will not be spell checked
Glen Beck wants the tea partiers to lose the signs and costumes so they don't look as crazy as they are.
The revolution will not be spell checked
Maddow Outs Dino Rossi's Hypocrisy
Rachel Maddow nails Dino for being a complete hypocrite. Dino is against the stimulus, he sez... but that didn't stop him from doing a photo-op at a shipyard that was able to hire 80 works because of the stimulus.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fiesta Patrias - Democrats Honor American Hispanic Heritage
Fiesta Patrias in Ferndale was a little scaled back this year, but, as in previous years, Democrats were there to celebrate a vital part of our America heritage.

42nd Legislative District Democrats had a booth and Representative Kelli Linville, candidates Al Jensen & Pat Jerns and Congressman Rick Larsen, all came to the Fiesta.
Although Whatcom Republicans had a booth featuring their candidates at the Ferndale Street Festival, there was no sign of them at the Fiesta.
Friday, September 17, 2010
GOP/Teabaggers Blame Dems for THEIR Deficit Spending
Pass it on...
PRICELESS: GOP/Teabaggers Blame Dems for THEIR Deficit Spending
Friday, August 27, 2010
Depleted (NOT) uranium is still genocide.
Wake up america....
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tea Party Edge-e-ka-tion
Glenn Beck University Ad
You've probably heard Glenn Beck is starting his own university. The TV ad for it
explains it a little further.
Starring Brendan Collins. Written by Claudia Castillo and Eric Cunningham. Edited by Jared Bloom and Eric Cunningham - TheFullGinsburg
Monday, August 16, 2010
If You Don't Vote, You Can't Complain Later!
Tomorrow is Primary Day. If you haven't filled out your ballot yet, here's a cute reminder from FUSE:
My personal recommendations are:
U.S. Senate - Patty Murray
2nd Congressional District - Rick Larsen (sorry Larry)
42nd Legislative District Senate - Pat Jerns
42nd Legislative District House of Rep, Position 1 - Al Jensen
42nd Legislative District House of Rep, Position 2 - Kelli Linville
40th Legislative District House of Rep, Position 1 - Tom Pasma
40th Legislative District House of Rep, Position 2 - Jeff Morris
Whatcom County Council District 1, Position B - Jean Melious
Washington State Supreme Court, Position 1 - Stan Rumbaugh
Washington State Supreme Court, Position 6 - Charles Wiggins
Monday, August 09, 2010
this really is priceless!!
Justin Coussoule for Congress, OH 8th District
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
John Koster and the Tea Party
Rick Larsen's campaign has a new informational video
Quote: “The Tea Party Movement, the Patriot Movement to me is one of the most exciting things to happen to this country for a long time.” -John Koster
The local Tea Party has been trying to clean up their image, but their extremist idea's haven't changed.
Goldy writes:"Just as disturbing is Koster’s praise of “the Patriot Movement,” long known for its white supremacist and anti-semitic rhetoric, and its close ties to the right-wing militia movement. Either Koster doesn’t really know what the Patriot Movement is, or more frightening… he does."
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Kelli Says Vote for Al Jensen
This call from State Representative Kelli Linville (D) came in just a little while ago.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
barbaric extraction...greed and rand paul
Rand Paul: Controversial Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Isn't So Bad -- It Enhances The Land!
Evan McMorris-Santoro July 29, 2010, 9:38AM709
In a wide-ranging profile due out in next month's issue of Details, Kentucky's Republican nominee for Senate, Rand Paul, stands up for all the good things the controversial practice of mountain top-removal mining can do for the environment. Despite warnings from conservationists that blowing the tops off of mountains to get the precious, precious coal underneath can have a seriously negative impact on the surrounding land, Paul says that when you really stop to think about it, losing those mountain tops is actually a net positive.
From the lengthy article, which was reported before Paul shunned the national press:Paul believes mountaintop removal just needs a little rebranding. "I think they should name it something better," he says. "The top ends up flatter, but we're not talking about Mount Everest. We're talking about these little knobby hills that are everywhere out here. And I've seen the reclaimed lands. One of them is 800 acres, with a sports complex on it, elk roaming, covered in grass." Most people, he continues, "would say the land is of enhanced value, because now you can build on it."
i have a suggestion for dr. it "creative disruption".....i think it's already been fuc_us grouped and it's don't even have to hire james carville to greenwash it.....
Yes, the Republicans have stopped pretending that the TEA Party isn't just the Republican Party with funny hats. They're crazy, they're mean and they want to drag America backwards into the nineteenth century.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Republicans "THINK CRAZY" & lie about the media
I read today on the Bellingham Herald's Politic Blog about how Republican candidate Jason Overstreet and Whatcom County Republican Party chairwoman Luanne Van Werven think that a reporter making a public records request is somehow an attack on the candidate. And then I ran across this video (thanks John Amato) which explains it all. Republicans have gone just plain crazy.
If you're as offended by Overstreet's attempt to raise campaign funds by falsely claiming that he's being attacked by the media, then go give some money to his opponent, Democrat Al Jensen . Al is a stand up guy and a grade A Democrat running for the WA State Legislature, 42nd Legislative District, position 1.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
greed justified
The bad news is we may not survive our fossil fuel orgy. The good news is, if we do, we will all have jobs cuz we will be the cheap labor.
Wake up America! The greedy, selfish, multinational corporatists, enriching themselves in the cancerous phase of unregulated, crony, casino capitalism, are stealing our descendents future.
stop the greedy in Washington State
move to amend corporations are not persons with unlimited ability to fund the buying or destroying candidates.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Tell Congress it's time to get tough on chemicals!
Washington Toxics Coalition has a new call for legislative action and a video to go with it.
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked footage of chemical industry strategy meeting.
Tell Congress it's time to get tough on chemicals!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thom meet TXsharon
Hydralic fracturing is to the land, air, and water what deep water drilling is to the ocean. No bees or ocean=no humans.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
end barbaric extraction....mountaintop removal must end.
Mountaintop Removal mining is barbaric extraction and it must end!!!!

Dave's expose of Rand Paul and Randie exposes himself on the video.....
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Donna Smith The Health Care Issue is NOT Finished!
Donna works with the California Nurses Association and can be read at American Patients United as she works to get real healthcare reform.
Sponsoring organizations:
United for National Healthcare
Organizing for a National Single-Payer Healthcare System
Jobs with Justice of Whatcom County
Social Justice/Action Committee of the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship
Larry Kalb
Aileen Satushek Jason Heck Dr. Chris Covert-Bowlds
the Prawns, John Flancher, Lou Lippman, and Warren I. Palken
Friday, June 11, 2010
Dear Democrats
I imagine we will very soon give away the last choosing we have, the presidential nominating process, the caucus, in favor of the taxpayer funded primary election. Many in my party buy the line that this is "real democracy" I would even embrace the taxpayer funded primary election if we were a closed primary state and for primary purposes you must be a declared Democrat to be involved in selecting the Democratic candidate to advance to the general election for anybody and everybody to vote on....the more the merrier.
This is a great post discussing the open primary .......
Why Open Primaries Are A Really Bad Ideaand here is my rant and rational when this heated up during the last presidential election...
Posted in Liberaland by James Frye • June 9, 2010, 7:31 PMET
Pundits and commentators were “stunned” that South Carolina’s Democrats nominated Alvin Greene to run against Senator Jim DeMint in November, a man who never raised a penny for his campaign or even campaigned at all in Tuesday’s state primary. Seemingly, they passed on a former judge and four-term state legislator for the unemployed Greene.
Now it appears that the South Carolina Democratic Party is having buyer’s regret:
............How could Democrats do this to themselves? Well, don’t blame Democratic voters in SC for this — blame their primary system that allowed this to happen.
First, some definitions of terms: States who hold party primaries do so under basically two types of methods. Most states hold closed primaries which means that only voters who are registered in a political party may vote on selecting their party’s candidates for November. Others have open primaries which can vary from state to state but basically allows anyone in any party or none to vote to select the general election candidate of any party. The open primary system is a leftover from the bad old days of the Solid Dixie–er–Democratic South where, at the time, the Republicans had so small a chance of being elected to anything that the primary was essentially the November election.
What the open primary does now is offer an open invitation to mischief. Remember “Operation Chaos” during the 2008 primaries where right wing radio talkers were calling for Republican voters to switch over to vote for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama so the Democratic primaries would be extended and hurt the Dem nominee? That was meant for open primary states mainly – for that to work in closed primary states those Republicans would have had to re-register to vote to change their party affiliation for the primary then register again to change back afterward.
The open primary is also an invitation for one party to see to it that the weakest possible candidate of the other party wins to ensure that their real candidate has a better chance in the general election. This appears to have been what happened in the case of Mr. Greene’s Democratic nomination ‘victory’ in South Carolina. Sneaky? Yes, but totally legal and the SC Democrats would have done the same to the Republicans if they could.
The arguments for open primaries tend to go for the “it allows more voters to participate” line. That’s fine for November when everybody can vote for anybody. Primaries are (or should be) an internal function of the political parties. No one outside of nonpartisan offices are elected to anything on primary day: this is the chance for party members to decide who they think would be the best candidate for their party for the general election. If you want to participate, register to vote with a party affiliation. Doing that doesn’t mean that you have to vote for the candidates of the party exclusively and forever, it just allows you to help pick their candidates.
full post
dear democrats
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
cheney's chernobyl
We must end barbaric extraction now!
How George Bush, Joe Barton, Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay Caused the Gulf Oil Spill and Made Sure BP Will Never Be Held Accountable
By karoli Monday Jun 07, 2010 2:00pm
Act Three - It is finished
On August 8, 2005, George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 into law.
On October 22, 2007 Randall B. Luthi, Wyoming attorney, Cheney cohort and new director of MMS signed a "Finding of No New Significant Impact" (PDF) with regard to Lease Sale 206, also known as the Deepwater Horizon. This finding was the last barrier for BP to cross before plunging equipment 5000 feet under the ocean's surface, using Halliburton fracture techniques to open the well, and beginning the flow of oil which ends as an environmental and economic disaster to Gulf inhabitants. No significant impact, indeed.
full post
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Glenn Beck, Right-Wing Tea Party Cranks & Doug Ericksen
Now that Glenn Beck has begun to promote the work of 1930's Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling, perhaps the media will begin to look at just how extreme Beck and the Tea Party leadership really are and exactly what it is that they are promoting.
And while they're looking, maybe they'll notice which politicians are giving aid and comfort to these far-right ideologues. For instance, (Republican State Senate candidate) Doug Ericksen is usually pretty careful to keep his far-right connects out of public view but the Bellingham Tea Party couldn't resist thanking him for hosting their extremist guest speaker, Earl Taylor.
From the Bellingham Tea Party website (emphasis added):
"Making of America" Seminar was Wonderful
It may sound crazy to some to spend a Saturday listening to someone talk about the Constitution and early American History, but for the 80+ people that attended, it was a great day filled with valuable information. We left with a better understanding of what our Founders intended for America and how much we have strayed. Earl Taylor, of the National Center for Constitutional Studies was an excellent speaker. Thanks to all who attended and to Ellen Baker for coordinating all of this. Special thanks to Doug and Tasha Ericksen for opening their home to Dr. Taylor's and acting as our host during his stay in Bellingham.
If you attended the "Making of America" seminar, you want more. If you missed it, you should consider signing up for classes sponsored by the Bellingham Tea Party. This class is produced by the National Center for Constitutional Studies and the DVDs teach the 28 principles of Liberty.
We want to thank Don Chadd and Hugh Foulke for volunteering to coordinate these classes.
From the SourceWatch entry on Glenn Beck (emphasis added):
Much of Beck's promotion of conspiracy theories and views on race can be attributed to his admitted ideological debt owed to Cleon Skousen, a controversial and discredited Mormon anti-communist "historian," far-right speaker, author and racist.[14] Skousen authored more than a dozen books and pamphlets on the Red Menace, New World Order conspiracy, Christian child rearing, and Mormon end-times prophecy.[14]
A former FBI clerk, fired chief of police, and Brigham Young University teacher, Skousen was disavowed or disowned by nearly every organization he was affiliated with, including the FBI, the city where he served as chief of police, the American Security Council, and the Mormon church. On the subject of Skousen's anti-communist scholarship a 1962 FBI memo said "During the past year or so, Skousen has affiliated himself with the extreme right-wing 'professional communists' who are promoting their own anticommunism for obvious financial purposes" and Skousen's "The Naked Communist, ... another example of why a sound, scholarly textbook on communism is urgently and badly needed."[14]
In September 2007, a year after Skousen's death, Beck began touting Skousen's book "The 5,000 Year Leap" on his radio and television shows, through his websites and at his speaking engagements. The 5,000 Year Leap is Skousen's attempt to "explain American history through an unspoken lens of Mormon theology." Going beyond mere endorsement, Beck played a central role in seeing a new edition published, and wrote the foreward for the edition, writing "I beg you to read this book filled with words of wisdom which I can
only describe as divinely inspired." In Beck's announcement of introducing the 912 Project he called for all 912 members to buy the book, saying "The first thing you could do," he said, "is get 'The 5,000 Year Leap.' Over my book or anything else, get 'The 5,000 Year Leap.' You can probably find it in the book section of, but read that. It is the principle. Please, No. 1 thing: Inform yourself about who we are and what the other systems are all about. 'The 5,000 Year Leap' is the first part of that. Because it will help
you understand American free enterprise … Make that dedication of becoming a Sept. 12 person and I will help you do it next year." The result was that more than 250,000 copies have been sold in the first half of 2009. The book's publisher says Beck "has done more to bring the work of Dr. Skousen to light than any other individual in America today."[14]Another of Skousen's works, a slavery revisionist history titled "The Making of America" is the subject of daylong seminars to 912 chapters conducted by Dr. Earl Taylor Jr. president of the National Center for Constitutional Studies, which was founded by Skousen. Salon described it as "filled with factual errors, Skousen's book characterized African-American children as "pickaninnies" and described American slave owners as the "worst victims" of the slavery system" and Skousen as "a right-wing crank whom even conservatives despised."[14]
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
t boone alert...again
what a way to start the day!!
end barbaric extraction! cheney's Chernobyl will be surfacing for decades, just look for things that go "boom" that he has had his hands on. Just ask the people of Iraq.
Monday, May 31, 2010
brilliant blog post Asher.....
An Even Bigger Spill Looming?
Posted May 25, 2010 by Asher Miller
While the nation's eyes are turned towards the oil tipped waves and tar balls washing up on the shores of the Gulf Coast, an altogether different energy disaster looms in California—one that might be even more damaging for the environment and our economy in the long run.
For decades now California has led the country in environmental protection, passing legislation that's often set the benchmark for national policy. But this, like all tides, can flow in two directions. A pair of ballot measures—Props 16 & The California Jobs Initiative—could set California back immeasurably and by extension the entire country, at a time when we can least afford it.
full post
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Greed on steroids
wake up america...the greedy, selfish people are winning and they are killing the planet as they loot it.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
t boone alert...again
previous t boone alerts ......and i will bring it up everytime this slips in under the radar.
previous barbaric extraction alerts
until we face where we are and change our ways, we are on course to destroy the planet.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
thanks so much to Dianne!!! and all organizations who helped and everyone who keeps suiting up and showing up.
and thanks First Congregational Church for your gracious hospitality.
here is the video playlist of the introduction and Dr. Simon Johnson's presentation, followed by a Q&A:
and Kristi Laguzza-Boosman here:
Organizations and co sponsors:
A New Way Forward
Americans for Financial Reform
Job with Justice
Whatcom Peace and Justice
Whatcom Human Rights Task Force
Veterans for Peace
Sign petitions here:
Public Campaign
Move to Amend with great folks like David Cobb to end corporate personhood
and, of course, this brings me back to my question that almost caused my republican mother to hang up on me
"how's the cancerous phase of unregulated, croney, casino capitalism working for you???"
I want an economy that works for us humans, not the other way around.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
barbaric extraction or our symptoms are showing
thanks Joe for a great program and I am sooooo glad to hear your voice on my radio!!!!
and here are some pictures of this form of barbaric extraction and the end result looks very similar to the other forms of barbaric destruction we see
mountaintop removal coal mining and a must see movie about this practice and the heroic people living where it's done
and then there is the contamination of our lands under the lands using hydralic fracturing and chemicals
and as we speak the "spill" in the Gulf of Mexico is playing out and promises to be catastrophic.
wake up humans, we must urgently change our ways so our descendent will have a home.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
the dickens of doom.....
"Where's RICO?"
By James Howard Kunstler for ClusterFuck Nation
......The feigned cluelessness among some the highest-profile figures in these rackets is something to behold. For instance Citibank was among the companies that helped Magnetar put together their CDOs-designed-to-fail. Citi's chairman at the time, former US Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, testifying before the new Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission said, "Almost all of us, including me, who were involved in the financial system -- that is to say financial firms, regulators, rating agencies, analysts and commentators -- missed the powerful combination of factors that led to this crisis and the serious possibility of a massive crisis." Bank of America's CEO, Brian Moynihan, told a congressional hearing, "No one involved in the housing system -- lenders, rating agencies, investors, insurers, consumers, regulators, and policy-makers -- foresaw a dramatic and rapid depreciation in home prices" [and therefore in investment instruments based on mortgages].
Either they lie or they are profoundly stupid and incompetent. If the former, then they might be induced to spend some time talking to federal prosecutors; if the latter then the US financial system is too hopeless to survive and we will all soon be bartering hand tools and designer shoes for food. Evidence of the latter is ample, for instance, in Citigroup's loss of 70 percent share value during Robert Rubin's chairmanship -- for which, in the crash year of 2008 alone, he was paid $17 million plus $33 million in stock options.
It is amazing this place we find ourselves. The thieves in high places are still in place. The greedy, selfish are transferring the wealth of the planet to themselves at breakneck speed and we are shitting in our home as we cling to obsolete paradigms. Our symptoms are showing everywhere. Our desperation is evident as increasingly we embrace barbaric extraction of Earth's resources, even when it destroys other human's home, water supply, and health. How much is enough?
How's the cancerous phase of unregulated, crony, casino capitalism working for you? Wonder how it will work for our children and grandchildren? Will the debt come due? Will the thieves be stopped?
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) is courageously calling for a criminal investigation into Goldman and other Wall Street companies that broke the law. Several others in Congress have joined her.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
barbaric extraction...hydralic fracturing style
I hope this piece on NOW will begin to wake people up to the place we find ourselves. As the gas and oil interest sell people "friendly, green agreement" to use their property for hydralic fracturing gas extraction to people who are facing economic hard times, we must decide if this is the legacy we want to pass on to those who come after. It was telling to me when a landowner was asked, "what if the "fracking"ruins your water or land?" The person responded, "I will have enough money to move." Is this who we are? Are we really that selfish?
thanks TXsharon for this
and from the movie GASLAND